SM65 Supervisory Module Handbook
Copyright © 2004-2009 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
IPN 997-00012-35E December 2009
High Bloc Float
(Bloc Voltage High Float)
This alarm is based on the absolute voltage of the individual blocs for the set
alarm time. A high float voltage indicates stressed cells/blocs. To prevent
excessive gas build-up, Cells/blocs should not be float charged at a high
float voltage for too long.
A cell/monobloc with a high float voltage does not always indicate that it is
faulty. That cell/monobloc may be “pressurized” by another.
Low Bloc Float
(Bloc Voltage Low Float)
This alarm is based on the absolute voltage of the individual blocs for the set
alarm time. Low float is the opposite of high float. In this case, a
cell/monobloc is being undercharged. Many cells/blocs fail if undercharged
by a too low float voltage.
Bloc SOH Fail
(Bloc State of Health Fail)
A warning that the monobloc may need to be replaced.
Bloc SOH Low
(Bloc State of Health Low)
The condition of the blocs is poor or requires extended float charging or a
boost recharge.
Bloc SOH Poor
(Bloc State of Health Poor)
An early warning that a monobloc is in poor condition and may need
replacing soon.
CBC DB Corrupt
System configuration or calibration database error.
Slave Comms Flt
CellSure Battery Controller (CBC) has lost communications with one or more
slave sensor modules.
CBC Slave HW Flt
(Slave Hardware Fault)
A slave sensor module reports invalid monobloc voltage / string
temperature readings.
String Cap Low
(String Capacity Low)
The capacity of a string is below the set threshold limit. Indicates that the
capacity of a number of blocs in that string is low.
Charge Crnt Div
(String Current Divergence
The individual string currents differ significantly for the alarm time limit set.
String current divergence indicates state of charge or capacity imbalances
between strings.
Dischge Crnt Div
(String Current Divergence
The individual string currents differ significantly for the alarm time limit set.
Indicates state of charge or capacity imbalances between strings.
Start of Float
(String End of Charge)
The string is float charging. This is determined by the fact that the string has
been charging for longer than the time given by the Event Threshold and the
string current does not exceed either the charge event threshold or discharge
event threshold.
Full Disch Comp
(String Full Discharge
A logged event to indicate that a full discharge has been completed. Used to
maintain a history of full discharges.
Part Disch Comp
(String Partial Discharge
A logged event to indicate that a partial discharge has been completed. Used
to maintain a history of discharges.
Str Res Chge Low
(String Reserve Charge
Low Discharge)
Only a limited amount of backup capacity remains for this string. A warning
to find an alternative power source if required.
Str Res Time Low
(String Reserve Time Low
Only a limited amount of backup time remains for this string. A warning to
find an alternative power source if required.
Start of Charge
(String Start of Charge)
The string is charging, if the string current exceeds the event threshold.