XS series operating manual
XS user manual v0.55
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Test voltage application on the specimen
The sudden application of the test voltage on a specimen can stressed it more than required.
Therefore the unit is fitted with a voltage rise time system. The same phenomena existing during
the cut off of the high voltage, the unit can perform the following test cycle :
REMINDER : With the SXS16, the DC voltage is positive, for all the other devices the voltage
is negative.
To set the HOLD time
Move the reverse video line in front of the HOLD line
Press on the RIGHT arrow or ENTER key
Display shows :
Fig 8.4
Select the number to be modified by moving the cursor with the RIGHT/LEFT arrow keys
Increase or decrease the value with respectively the UP and the DOWN arrow keys (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9. 0 1 2 3 etc)
Repeat operation for all the numbers if necessary
Enter the time with the ENTER key