The Durant Model 5886 is a versatile six-digit,
three-preset, bi-directional count control. The con-
trol has three sets of transistor outputs (one for
each preset), and two relay outputs. The two
relays may each be operated by any of the three
transistor outputs. The three transistor outputs
may be programmed to occur sequentially or inde-
pendently with the count. Output 1 and/or Output 2
may also be programmed to function as floating
prewarn outputs. The control may be programmed
to reset to zero or reset to the preset 3 value.
The 5886-1400 Model also features the ability to
scale incoming counts. This means that for each
pulse received on the count inputs, a fraction or
multiple of that pulse is counted. The scale factor
can be a number from 0.0001 to 9.9999. This
number becomes a factor by which incoming
count pulses are multiplied.
A non-volatile memory insures that the setup
instructions will not be lost if power is interrupted.
Count values will also be retained if a power loss
interrupts a process or machine cycle.
The front panel of the control, Figure 1, is framed
by a bezel that seals the panel to the mounting
surface. A large, six-digit high visibility red LED
display with a programmable decimal point posi-
tion is located in the upper left portion of the panel.
The keyboard has a Mylar front face and consists
of ten data keys (0 through 9), “COUNT” key,
“RESET” key, “FUNCTION” key and “ENTER” key.
The “1” key also serves as the “PRESET 1” key,
the “2” key also serves as the “PRESET 2” key
and the “3” key also serves as the “PRESET 3”
key. The upper right portion of the front panel con-
tains 4 yellow LED indicators for Count, Preset 1,
Preset 2, and Preset 3.
The rear panel, Figure 2, contains screw terminals
for use with stripped wire, either solid or stranded,
from 28 to 14 gauge. The rear panel also contains
two plug-in type replaceable relays with “form-C”
The counter provides two-way serial communi-
cation with remote devices using standard ASCII
code and three selectable Baud rates. Count and
preset data can be sent and preset data and a
print request command can be received by the
control via two 20-milliampere current loops. On
Model 5886-1400 the Scale Factor may also be
transmitted and received. Optional accessories
are available to convert the communication loop to
RS232, parallel BCD and multiplexed BCD for-
The relay and transistor outputs can be timed from
0.01 to 99.99 seconds inclusive, latched until reset
complete, unlatched at reset, remain latched until
an unlatch input occurs or unlatch when the
counter reaches an alternate preset. Outputs can
also be operated in the Reverse mode.
Figure 1.
5886 Dual Preset 6-Digit Electronic Control