Instruction manual CCS 5, 15/ 10/ 2021
Then a proper name for the saving file can be given:
Enter the name of your measuring point by using the virtual keyboard, the maximum capacity
is 20 characters.
Always use the same name for the same measuring point, so that the stored data can be
systematized within the data file system. Every measurement automatically gets a new index
in the data file system, also the current date and time of the current measurement is stored.
Measurements are displayed depending on the data sorting.
If no identification is entered, “
” is automatically used.
Select the measure-mode (single, continuous, cyclic) by choosing the check box.
Report standard:
It is possible to display the measurements according to ISO 4406:99 or NAS 1638 or SAE
AS 4059. Select the classification format by choosing the check box.
Flush time:
It is recommended to flush the system before every measurement, at least 15s.
The flush time can be set between 15 to 300 seconds, it needs about 25 to 500 ml.
Test fluid:
For the additional display of the existing theoretical ppm water content during the
measurements, the type of oil should be selected.
If no test fluid is selected, then the measurements will only display the water saturation in %
and not the corresponding ppm.