IB ATS-1005
For more information visit: www.eaton.com
Instructional Booklet
Effective: March 2010
Instructions for Installation, Operation and Maintenance of the
Eaton ATC-600 Automatic Transfer Switch Controller
4.4.3 ATC Annunciator
The ATC Annunciator provides remote annunciation of an ATC-
600 which may be located up to 1000 feet away. The ATC
Annunciator will communicate with the ATC-600 over the INCOM
Subnetwork using a twisted shielded pair cable. Required power is
either 120 VAC 50/60Hz or 24 VDC.
The ATC Annunciator displays the ATC-600 information through
six LEDs as described below:
Source 1 Available
This white LED is lit if Source 1 meets the criteria for programmed
Source 1 setpoints.
Source 1 Connected
This green LED is lit when the Source 1 breaker is closed.
Source 2 Available
This amber LED is lit if Source 2 meets the criteria for pro-
grammed Source 2 setpoints.
Source 2 Connected
This red LED is lit when the Source 2 breaker is closed.
Comm OK
This green LED is lit when the ATC Annunciator is communicating
properly with the ATC-600.
In Test
This red LED indicates that the ATC-600 is in Test mode.
4.5 Relay Outputs
As described in Section 2, the rear access area provides for
access to all output connections. Refer to Figure
for a graphical
representation and position of all output connections. The relay
functions are divided into two categories:
Customer Connections
Transfer Operation Contacts
4.5.1 Customer Connections
S2 Generator
This latched coil relay provides a Form A contact on Pins 1 and 2
of Connector J5. The relay is the generator start relay for system
configurations employing a generator on the input source desig-
nated Source 2. The generator start relay contacts are rated for
5A, 1/6 HP @ 250 VAC. The DC rating is 5A @ 30VDC with a
150W maximum load.
S1 Generator
This latched coil relay provides a Form A contact on Pins 3 and 4
of Connector J5. The relay is the generator start relay for system
configurations employing a generator on the input source desig-
nated Source 1. The generator start relay contacts are rated for
5A, 1/6 HP @ 250 VAC. The DC rating is 5A @ 30VDC with a
150W maximum load.
This Form C relay is used to indicate an alarm condition. The full
Form C contact of this relay is implemented with Common Pin 8,
Normally Closed Pin 7, and Normally Open Pin 6 of Connector J5.
The relay is normally de-energized to indicate the absence of an
alarm state. Energization of the relay indicates the presence of an
alarm condition. Alarm conditions include improper circuit breaker
operation, motor operator failure, and unsuccessful closed or in-
phase transition. An alarm may be reset by simultaneously press-
ing the Increase and Decrease Pushbuttons. The relay contacts
are rated for 10A, 1-3 HP @ 250 VAC. The DC rating is 10A
S2 Available
This Form C relay is used to indicate the availability of Source 2.
The full Form C contact of this relay is implemented with Com-
mon Pin 11, Normally Closed Pin 10, and Normally Open Pin 9 of
Connector J5. This relay essentially duplicates the Source 2 avail-
able status LED meaning that the setpoint criteria has been met.
The relay contacts are rated for 10A, 1-3 HP @ 250 VAC. The
DC rating is 10A @30VDC.
S1 Available
This Form C relay is used to indicate the availability of Source 1.
The full Form C contact of this relay is implemented with Com-
mon Pin 14, Normally Closed Pin 13, and Normally Open Pin 12 of
Connector J5. This relay essentially duplicates the Source 1 avail-
able status LED meaning that the setpoint criteria has been met.
The relay contacts are rated for 10A, 1-3 HP @ 250 VAC. The
DC rating is 10A @30VDC.
4.5.2 Transfer Operation Connections
K1, K2, K3, and K4 are factory wired to operate the transfer
switch. The relay contacts for each are rated for 10A, 1/3 HP @
250 VAC. The DC rating is 10A @30VDC. K1– K4 are Form C
relays but only the Form A contacts are used to operate the trans-
fer switch.
The ATC-600 Controller MUST BE properly grounded at J-5, Pin 5
for proper operation.
Output Relay K1
The K1 output is used for control of the transfer switch motor to
close the Source 1 switching device (i.e. circuit breaker) for
motor-operator transfer switches. The K1 relay momentarily ener-
gizes until the ATC-600 senses that the Source 1 switching
device is closed, then K1 de-energizes. For transfer switches with
power breakers, this relay opens the Source 2 breaker via its trip
coil. The k1 output is found on pins 21 and 22 of Connector J5
Output Relay K2
The K2 output is used for control of the transfer switch motor to
close the Source 2 switching device (i.e. circuit breaker) for
motor-operator transfer switches. The K2 relay momentarily ener-
gizes until the ATC-600 senses that the Source 2 switching
device is closed, then K2 de-energizes. For transfer switches with
power breakers, this relay opens the Source 1 breaker via its trip
coil. The K2 output is found on pins 19 and 20 of Connector J5.
Output Relay K3
The K3 output is used for control of the close coil of the Source 1
breaker in transfer switches with power breakers. The K3 relay
momentarily energizes until the ATC-600 senses that the Source
1 breaker is closed, then K3 de-energizes. The K3 output is found
on pins 17 and 18 of Connector J5.