Instructional Booklet
Effective: March 2010
Instructions for Installation, Operation and Maintenance of the
Eaton ATC-600 Automatic Transfer Switch Controller
For more information visit: www.eaton.com
IB ATS-1005
Figure 9. Typical Wiring of Addressable Relays to the ATC-600.
The IN1 connections of the relay are the reportback input to the
ATC-600 and should be connected to a contact output from the
elevator controller. Refer to the Addressable Relay II and the ele-
vator controller manufacturer’s instruction literature for proper
control power and input signal voltage levels. When proper operat-
ing voltage is present between the IN1 input pins, a positive sta-
tus will be reported back to the ATC-600. During normal operation
the relay’s contact will be de-energized. When a transfer is pend-
ing and after the TDNE (or TDEN) timer has counted down (if
enabled), the ATC-600 will send a communications close com-
mand to the relay. Once the relay has closed, the ATC-600 will
start the Time Delay Pre-transfer count down timer to delay the
transfer operation until the counter has finished. After the timer
has started, the ATC-600 will continuously poll the relay for the
status of its input circuit. If the relay returns a positive status of
IN1, the ATC-600 will assume that the elevator has arrived at the
proper floor and opened the doors. The ATC-600 will then abort
the remaining Time Delay Pre-transfer timer and continue with the
transfer operation. Once the transfer is complete, the ATC-600
will return to the relay and send a communication open command.
This option is only functional if closed and In-phase modes are dis-
abled. The Pre-transfer sequence only occurs if both sources are
available. If only one source is available, the Pre-transfer
sequence is bypassed.
4.4.2 Load Sequencing Sub-Network
The Load Sequencing signal allows loads to be activated in a
sequence after a transfer has taken place. Addressable Relay II’s
are used to enable up to 10 separate loads.
The Addressable Relay II must be set for:
1200 BAUD rate
WATCHDOG feature disabled
RELAY PULSE feature disabled
Address range from 002 to 00B
Under normal condition with source available, Addressable Relay
AR II (connected to ATC-600 Controller at J4-17, J4-18, J4-19) is
energized. For breaker type transfer switch, before the switch has
moved from neutral position to the new source, all 10 of the
sequence relays are sent open commands. For contactor type
transfer switch (2-position or 3-position), as soon as the time
delay normal to emergency (or time delay emergency to normal)
times out, all 10 of the sequence relays are sent open commands.
The ATC-600 will make several attempts to communicate with a
relay. If an address or relay is not used or if a relay fails to
respond, the ATC-600 will move on to the next relay. Once the
attempt to turn all the relays off has been made, the ATC-600 will
start to sequence the 10 relays on. Starting with address 002, the
ATC-600 will send the relay the command to close. After this
relay responds, the ATC-600 will start the Time Delay Sequence
timer (TSEQ). When this timer has counted down to zero, the
ATC-600 will increment to the next address of 003 and send it
the close command. Should there be no relay, the ATC-600 will
display the NO R xx (where xx is the address) message on the
front panel, abort the time delay and then step to the next
address. This will continue until a relay that responds is reached or
after address 00B, which is the last address, is tested.
Relay II
Relay II
Relay II
Address = 003
Address = 002
Address = 001
IQ Transfer
Load Sequencing
Use Eaton cable CAT#IMPCABLE, STYLE #2A95705G01 or BELDEN 9463 cable family.
Use a 100 ohm 1/2 watt terminating resistor on the most remote device.
Where devices are daisy chained, tie the shielding together for continuity. Tie the shield to
connector J4 terminal 17 of the ATC-600. On the last device in the network tie the shield back
and tape.
Use Eaton Addressable Relay II - CAT #ARII, STYLE #5302C07G02