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Dear Customer,
We are delighted that you have chosen this 

mini heater.

 If you 

have any questions, contact the customer service department via 
our website:

Explanation of Symbols

Danger symbols: These symbols indicate 
risks of injury. Read through the associated 
safety instructions carefully and follow them.

Protection class II

Warning: Do not cover the device during operation!

Caution: hot surfaces!

Supplementary information

Read instructions before use!


warns of serious injuries and danger to life


warns of 


 serious injuries and danger to life


warns of slight to moderate injuries


warns of damage to property

Intended Use

•  The device is intended for supplementary heating purposes 

inside buildings.


This device is only intended for well-insulated rooms or 
occasional use.

•  The device is designed for personal and domestic use only and 

is not intended for commercial applications.

•  The device should only be used as described in these 

instructions. Any other use is deemed to be improper.

Safety Instructions


CAUTION – Parts of the device can become 
very hot and cause burns if touched. 
Special care must be taken in the presence 
of children or vulnerable persons.



Do not cover the device dur-

ing operation in order to prevent it from 



  This device is not 


 tted with con-

trols for regulating the room temperature. Un-
less there is constant supervision the heater 
must not be used in small rooms occupied by 
persons who are unable to leave the room by 


If the device is positioned or installed in its nor-
mal place of use, children from the age of 3 
and below the age of 8 must only switch the 
device on and off if they are supervised or have 
received instruction on how to use the device 
safely and have understood the dangers re-
sulting from failure to comply with the relevant 
safety precautions. 


If the device is positioned or installed in its nor-
mal place of use, it may be used by people with 
reduced physical, sensory or mental abilities or 
a lack of experience and / or knowledge if they 
are supervised or have received instruction on 
how to use the device safely and have under-
stood the dangers resulting from failure to com-
ply with the relevant safety precautions. 


Children from the age of 3 and below the age of 
8 must not plug the device in, regulate or clean 
it, or carry out 

user maintenance




under 3 years of age must be kept 

away from the device, unless they are under 
constant supervision.


The device is not designed to be operated with 
an external timer or a separate remote control 


This heater should not be used close to a bath-
tub, shower or swimming pool.


The device must always be disconnected from 
the mains when left unattended and before it is 


If the device is damaged, it must be replaced 
by the manufacturer or customer service 
department or a similarly quali


 ed person (e. g. 

specialist workshop) in order to avoid any 

WARNING – Danger of suffocation!

 Keep children and 

animals away from the packaging material. 

CAUTION – Danger of burns!

 The device will become hot 

during use. Only the ON / OFF switch must be used. Allow 
the device to cool down after it has been switched off.

DANGER – Danger of Electric Shock from Water!


Use and store only in closed rooms. 


Do not use the device in rooms with high humidity. 


Never touch the device with wet hands when it is connected to 
the mains.


Never immerse the device in water or other liquids, and make 
sure it cannot become damp! 

WARNING – Danger of Electric Shock from 
Damage and Inappropriate Use!


Only connect the device to a socket with safety contacts that is 
properly installed and matches the technical data of the device. 
The socket must also be readily accessible after connection so 
that the connection to the mains can quickly be isolated. 


Do not use the device with an extension cable.


Remove the mains plug from the socket if a fault occurs during 
operation or before a thunderstorm.

WARNING – Danger of Fire!


Do not use the device in rooms containing easily ignitable, 
poisonous or explosive substances.


Do not use the device in the vicinity of highly 



materials (curtains, textiles, etc.).


Do not cover the device during operation in order to prevent it 
from catching 



Article number:



Summary of Contents for 02502

Page 1: ...n Fähigkeiten oder Mangel an Erfahrung und oder Wissen dürfen das Ge rät benutzen wenn sie beaufsichtigt oder be züglich des sicheren Gebrauchs des Gerätes unterwiesen wurden und die daraus resultie renden Gefahren verstanden haben vorausge setzt dass das Gerät in seiner normalen Ge brauchslage platziert oder installiert ist Kinder ab 3 Jahren und jünger als 8 Jahre dür fen nicht den Stecker in di...

Page 2: ...gkeit LL niedrige Geschwindigkeit Das Gerät hört automatisch auf zu heizen sobald die ein gestellte Temperatur im Raum erreicht ist Kühlt der Raum wieder ab beginnt es automatisch wieder mit dem Heiz vorgang solange es eingeschaltet ist 5 Um das Gerät auszuschalten den Ein Aus Schalter auf die Position 0 stellen 6 Das Gerät abkühlen lassen und aus der Steckdose ziehen Timer einstellen Beim Gerät k...

Page 3: ... Gebläseunter stützung ja nein Bei Nennwärmeleistung elmax 0 515 kW Art der Wärmeleistung Raumtemperaturkontrolle bitte eine Möglichkeit auswählen Bei Mindestwärme leistung elmin 0 450 kW einstufige Wärmeleistung keine Raum temperaturkontrolle ja nein Im Bereitschaftszustand elSB 0 001 kW zwei oder mehr manuell einstellbare Stufen keine Raumtemperaturkontrolle ja nein Raumtemperaturkontrolle mit m...

Page 4: ...ities or a lack of experience and or knowledge if they are supervised or have received instruction on how to use the device safely and have under stood the dangers resulting from failure to com ply with the relevant safety precautions Children from the age of 3 and below the age of 8 must not plug the device in regulate or clean it or carry out user maintenance Children under 3 years of age must b...

Page 5: ...he device automatically stops heating as soon as the preset temperature in the room has been reached Once the room cools down again the device begins heating again automatically for as long as it is switched on 5 To switch the device off you turn the ON OFF switch to the 0 position 6 Allow the device to cool down and disconnect it from the mains Setting the Timer You can set the operating time bet...

Page 6: ...ambient temperature yes no Auxiliary energy consumption fan driven heat output yes no At rated heat output elmax 0 515 kW Type of heat output room temperature control please select one option At minimum heat output elmin 0 450 kW single setting heat output no room temperature control yes no In standby elSB 0 001 kW two or more manual settings no room temperature control yes no room temperature con...

Page 7: ...squ elles sont sous surveillance ou qu elles ont été instruites quant à l utilisation de l appareil en toute sécu rité et qu elles ont compris les risques en décou lant ceci sous réserve que l appareil soit placé ou installé en position normale d utilisation Les enfants de 3 à 8 ans ne doivent pas insérer la fiche dans la prise de courant régler l appa reil ni le nettoyer et ou réaliser l entretie...

Page 8: ...ment de chauffer dès que la température programmée est atteinte dans la pièce Si la pièce se rafraîchit à nouveau il se réenclenche auto matiquement pour produire de la chaleur aussi longtemps qu il reste allumé 5 Pour éteindre l appareil amenez l interrupteur marche arrêt en position 0 6 Laissez l appareil refroidir et retirez la fiche de la prise de courant Réglage de la minuterie L appareil peu...

Page 9: ... Pour une puissance thermique nominale elmax 0 515 kW Type de puissance thermique contrôle de la tempé rature de la pièce merci de sélectionner une seule possibilité Pour une puissance thermique minimale elmin 0 450 kW Puissance thermique à un seul niveau pas de contrôle de la température de la pièce oui non En mode veille elSB 0 001 kW Réglage manuel sur deux niveaux ou plus pas de contrôle de la...

Page 10: ...rmogens of personen die niet beschikken over voldoende ervaring en of kennis mogen het apparaat gebruiken wan neer zij onder toezicht staan en instructies heb ben gekregen hoe het apparaat op een veilige manier kan worden gebruikt en wanneer zij de daarmee gepaard gaande gevaren hebben be grepen gesteld dat het apparaat in zijn norma le gebruikssituatie is geplaatst of geïnstalleerd Kinderen vanaf...

Page 11: ...peed knop 8 de snelheid van de warmteblazer instellen HH hoge snelheid LL lage snelheid Het apparaat stopt automatisch met verwarmen zodra de ingestelde temperatuur in de ruimte is bereikt Koelt de ruimte weer af begint het automatisch weer met het ver warmingsproces zolang het is ingeschakeld 5 Om het apparaat uit te schakelen de aan uitknop in stand 0 zetten 6 Het apparaat laten afkoelen en uit ...

Page 12: ...bruik warmteafgifte met ventilatoronder steuning ja nee Bij nominaal ver warmingsvermogen elmax 0 515 kW Soort verwarmingsvermogen ruimtetemperatuur regeling a u b een optie selecteren Bij minimaal verwar mingsvermogen elmin 0 450 kW één verwarmingsstand geen controle ruimtetemperatuur ja nee In operationele toestand elSB 0 001 kW twee of meer handmatig instelbare stan den geen controle ruimtetemp...
