RS232 and RS485 serial interface control parameter(s):
P700 serial mode (basic/RTU)
BAS: BASIC serial protocol: RS-232 only
RTU: MODBUS-RTU serial protocol: RS-485 or RS-232
(see end of manual for register list)
P701 Baud Rate
Select the serial port baud rate (default = 9600).
The selections are 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 & 19200 (19.2K) baud.
P702 data size
Set the number of data bits transmitted. Choices are 7 data bits & 8 data bits.
Note: MODBUS requires this parameter to be set to eight.
P703 stop bits
Set the number of stop bits transmitted. Choices are 1 and 2.
P704 parity
Set the parity bit type, if any. Choices are none, even or odd.
P705 RTU node
Set the MODBUS RTU node. The range is from 2 to 32.