EI-1000 & 2000: Setup, Calibration and Troubleshooting.
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If the tank can’t be emptied now use this procedure. The tank must be
pumped down later to set the true zero.
1. Enter the calibration mode.
EI-1000: Press and hold [SELECT] + [RIGHT ARROW] for greater than three seconds.
EI-2000: Press and hold [LEFT SELECT] + [RIGHT SELECT] for greater than three seconds.
2. The display will show “CFG” (EI1000) or “SEL CFG” (EI2000) Use the up
arrow to change “CFG” to “CAL 1” (1000) or “CAL” (2000). Press SELECT
(1000) or the right SELECT (2000). The display will show the gross weight
with the GROSS light flashing.
3. Press the ZERO pushbutton to zero the instrument. On the EI-2000 use
the ZERO button on the side you are calibrating. NEVER use the arrow
keys to zero the scale. If you do so by accident, unplug the power to the
EI before exiting the calibration mode. This will prevent the zero from
being saved.
4. Check the level in the tank to make sure it won’t overflow when the
desired amount of product is added.
5. Add a known amount of product (at least 10% of the tank’s capacity) to
calibrate. The weight reading should rise while the product is being added.
If it doesn’t, stop! Further troubleshooting is needed.
6. The instrument should show a positive reading. Use the up or down
arrows to set the correct gross weight. On the EI-2000 use the arrows on
the side you are calibrating.
7. To verify the calibration, add another known amount of product. The
weight reading should increase to match.
8. Press the right arrow twice on the EI-1000 to exit the menus and return to
the gross weight reading. On the EI-2000 use the left SELECT.
9. The scale is calibrated at this point but the zero is not correct. Let the take
drain as low as possible through normal usage. It doesn’t matter if this
takes a few days. The weight reading will go negative but still track
properly. Don’t let any pumps run dry if this will cause damage!
10. When the product in the tank is at it’s lowest point, repeat steps 1,2,3 and
7 above to set the zero.
Another example using water in a 200 gallon tank that can’t be emptied:
Enter cal mode and zero the scale. Add 20 gallons. The weight reading should
20 Gallons x 8.3454 lbs/gal = 166.9 pounds.
Set the instrument to read as close to 166.9 as possible. Then exit the cal mode.
After adding 10 more gallons there reading would be 205.4 if there are no
mechanical problems.