Embedded Solutions Page 16
Tx Int En X
is used to enable or disable the interrupt associated with the transmit
device installed.
Devices not populated on the board should be masked off. 1 = enabled and 0 =
disabled for the interrupt. Default = 0. The leading edge of the TXRx status line from
the “3282” is used to generate the interrupt. After a transmission the TX FIFO is empty
causing the TXRx line to transition high. The line will remain high until data is written
into the FIFO for that channel. The interrupt is edge triggered so no further interrupts
will occur until another transition occurs. Clear the interrupt request by disabling the
interrupt enable for that channel and then [if desired] re-enable. The TXRx bits are
available in STATUS1.
Rx Int En X
is used to enable or disable the interrupt associated with the receive
device. Each device has two receivers. The interrupts for the two receivers are
masked together by the chip interrupt mask. The individual receiver within each device
is identifiable with STATUS0.
Devices not populated on the board should be masked off. 1 = enabled and 0 =
disabled for the interrupt. Default = 0. The level from the DRx status lines from the
“3282” are used to generate the interrupt. After a reception the receive register has
data available is causing the DRx line to transition low. The line will remain low until
data is read for that channel.
The DRx lines transition off once the data is read so no further interrupts will occur until
another reception occurs. Clear the interrupt request by reading the data or setting the
mask to 0.
$08 429 Interrupt Vector Port
The Interrupt vector for the 429 is stored in this byte wide register. This read/write
register is initialized to 'xxFF' upon power-on reset or software reset. The vector is
stored in the odd byte location [D7..0]. The vector should be initialized before the
interrupt is enabled or the mask is lowered. The interrupt is not cleared when the CPU
reads the vector. Please refer to the REG3 register description. For auto-vectored
systems this register can be ignored.