DYACON Quick-start Guide
Mechanical Setup and Installation
8. Attach solar sensor (pyranometer) to bracket. (Optional sensor.) The cable leaving the solar
sensor should be directed to the north.
9. Attach solar sensor bracket to TPH-1 by removing two wing nuts.
10. Seat solar power module onto mounting bracket.
11. Place soil moisture sensor and soil temperature sensor into
ground and desired depth.
12. Bury rain gauge pipe.
13. Mount rain gauge to top of pipe.
14. Remove the rain gauge top and remove the rubber band
securing the tipping mechanism.
15. Open the control module by loosening the two front cover screws.
16. Feed each sensor cable through cable glands at the bottom of the enclosure and attach to
respective terminals.
17. Plug in the battery connector to the control module connector. (For cable-powered systems,
attach 7 VDC to 24 VDC to the Battery connector.)
18. Attached the solar module to the solar power input.
Set North position on the wind vane before raising mast.
(See instructions in 3.1.3.)
you can raise the mast. (I know that you were waiting for this part.)
Attach cable ties to the WSD-1 cable while raising the tripod mast to full height.
21. Bundle excess cable on the outside of the enclosure.
22. Secure cables with cable ties so that they route adjacent to the tripod structure.
23. Configure control module as required. (See the following section.)
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