DYACON Quick-start Guide
Site Selection
7.2 Weather Station Siting
7.2.1 Instrumentation Considerations
The following are general guidelines.
Wind sensor height: 10 m
Temperature and humidity sensor height: 2 m
Distance from nearby structures: Distance to structure >= 10 times the structure height
Roof-top mounting is not recommended due to significant temperature and wind effects from the
structure and reflected heat.
7.2.2 Solar Power Considerations
MS-100 stations may be powered by 10 W solar panels. This input capacity is sufficient where
full sun exposure is available during the day. Installations that have high wireless demand and
are shaded for part of the day may require a second solar panel.
7.2.3 Cable Considerations
CM-1 may be used with a cabled connection. The differential signal (RS-485) used by the
Modbus port allows for very long cable runs. Low-capacitance cable, such as CAT-5 can be
used in excess of 1000 ft (900 m). The Modbus baud rate may be lowered to achieve even
longer cable lengths or overcome cable characteristics.
7.2.4 Wireless (Cell Phone) Considerations
MS-130, MS-140, and MS-150 weather stations have an embedded cellular phone transceiver.
Ideally, the cell phone tower must be in direct line-of-sight of the weather station.
The control module contains an antenna with better gain characteristics that the typical handset.
The station may operate reliably even in locations where handsets may not have an adequate
The control module home screen shows the cell phone signal strength. A signal level above 5 is
The mounting mast and other obstructions may reduce the signal strength in some conditions. If
the signal strength is low or varies by more that 5, the control module may be rotated on the
mounting mast for maximum signal strength.
If this technique is inadequate, contact Dyacon for further instructions.
7.3 Airport Siting
Dyacon weather stations are for ADVISORY INFORMATION ONLY, they are not FAA
certified as ASOS or AWOS systems.
The information give here is for installer consideration only. Installers should consult
appropriate experts and authorities as necessary.
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