DYACON Quick-start Guide
Controller Confguration
5.0 Controller Configuration
5.1.1 General Settings
Controller configuration may be done using one of three different methods. The CM-1 manual
contains detailed instructions for each.
CM Utility
A Windows application. The PC is connected to the USB port on CM-1
Local User Interface
The controller contains an LCD and four buttons.
SMS text message command may be sent from a cell phone or online
services such as Google Voice.
CM Utility is the easiest and most intuitive method. The program may be downloaded from the
weather station product page.
1. Set the station ID or name that will be transmitted in text messages and log files.
2. Assign analog port functions to pre-configured sensor options.
3. Set measurement units for wind, temperature, and pressure.
4. Set the north position of wind vane before raising the mast.
5. Set the station elevation in meters.
6. Enable logging and set the interval.
7. Set WeatherUnderground ID and password.
8. Enable WeatherUnderground.
9. Set email parameters as required.
10. Enable automatic email of log file under log settings.
All of the above settings,
except North Setting
, may be done through SMS text messages, if a
cell phone module is installed and provisioned.
5.2 Setup WiFi
WiFi may be configured using the LCD or the Windows program, Dyacon Control Module
Utility. The LCD configuration is shown below.
The WiFi network name (SSID) and password for the access point must be set in order for the
controller to send data to DyaconLive.
>WiFi Settings
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