DYACON Quick-start Guide
MS-100 Introduction
1.0 MS-100 Introduction
1.1 Scope
This document is an abbreviated description of station setup and configuration. Refer to the
detailed sections in this manual or to sensor documents for further information.
The information contained in this manual is advisory only. Users are responsible for their own
safety and the installation requirements for their application.
Dyacon meteorological (met) stations are based on a control unit, or data logger, that acts as the
“brains” of the weather station. All sensors, power, and I/O devices connect to the control
module (CM).
CM-1 is a component of MS-100 series weather stations with several preconfigured version:
MS-120, MS-130, MS-135, MS-140, and MS-150. These stations differ principally by the
sensors that are pre-configured with the control module. Users may add, remove, or replace
sensors as their needs change.
This manual briefly covers site selection, station assembly, and general operation of CM-1.
Detailed information is provided in the respective product manuals.
Users should download the CM-1 Weather Station Control Module manual from Dyacon.com.
The manual is located in the documents section of the weather stations or controller page.
Videos are also available demonstrating the assembly and configuration tasks.
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