• No doubt by now you will have decided what sort of base you are
putting down.
• If you choose a raised foundation, either a concrete base, plywood
fl oor, or timber fl oor, the shed design prevents the water from
fl owing inside the shed.
• If you chose to position the shed directly onto the ground, the
water can fl ow down the walls and under the bottom plate and into
the shed.
• To build a concrete base we recommend the following.
• Concrete base should be 3880mm x 2530mm (this is
20mm smaller than the shed frame size, which allows
for a 10mm gap around the perimeter of the shed).
• Concrete base to be a minimum of 80mm thick and at least 100mm thick around the perimeter. Base should
be at least 50mm above ground line.
• Concrete base should be laid on a solid or compacted base.
• Plastic sheeting underneath concrete will prevent moisture coming through underneath.
• Ideally the area around the doorway should have a slight slope to allow water to run off . Refer to plans for
doorway position.