• Using six rivets per end, fi t and rivet end caps to each
end of back spouting.
• Determine position of downpipe and cut hole in
underside of spouting. (Note - hole needs to be at
least 300mm or more from end of spouting, and
slightly smaller than plastic dropper supplied.)
• Using four rivets, rivet plastic dropper to underside of
• Silicone both end caps and plastic dropper to back
spouting to ensure there are no leaks.
• Nail assembled spouting to top of back top plate,
using four 30mm clouts as shown. (Note - spouting
will overhang corner fl ashing by approx 20mm.)
• Attach plastic downpipe to shed, riveting the two
brackets to rear wall cladding. (Note - downpipe may
have to be cut down in length.)
• Rivet downpipe to plastic dropper, using one rivet.
• Position downpipe cover fl ashing over downpipe and
rivet to wall cladding.