down first then return to normal
o Depth/Multi set above noon the pitch will go up
first then return to normal.
• Mod Rate control sets the amount of glide (time it
takes to reach the new pitch)
• Time sets the delay time when not engaged (quarter
Using an Expression Pedal
For best results if the expression pedal has an adjust-
ment pot, we recommend that it be set to the lowest
To use the expression pedal you must first store the
same sound in both “toe down” and “heel down” posi-
1. Push expression pedal all the way down (toe down).
2. Create a sound you like.
3. Move each knob slightly so the positions will be
4. Lift expression pedal all the way up (heel down).
5. Move each knob slightly so the exact same positions
will be recorded
NOTE: You now have the same sound programed at both
toe and heel positions. The expression pedal has no effect.
Next you will need to program the specific settings you
want to change with the expression pedal.
1. Decide which parameter you want to change.