• postponing the dive is the correct action if I am suffering from a cold,
hangover, flu or other health deficiency that may cause complications.
• to be watchful for and avoid overexertion.
• diving will be safe if I listen carefully to dive briefings and respect the advice
of those overseeing my diving activities.
• the operators I dive with are not responsible for my decisions and actions.
• I should be proficient in dive table use and make all dives no-required
decompression dives, allowing for a margin of safety, ascending no faster
than 60 feet/18 meters per minute and making a safety stop at the end of
every dive.
• to always breathe continuously while diving and never skip breathe or hold
my breath.
• proper buoyancy should be maintained at all times – buoyant for surface
swimming, neutral while swimming underwater.
6. Being environmentally conscious on every dive.
As a Responsible Diver, I ...
• am careful about what I touch underwater.
• do not break plants or coral or collect “souvenirs”.
• respect laws on size and limits for game.
• collect and dispose of trash I find while diving.
• let dive buddies, resorts and dive operators know how I feel about
environmental responsibility.
• never dive in a manner that would hurt the environment.
The resorts and operators I dive with:
• use mooring bouys whenever available or anchor in areas free of live
• give thorough environmental briefings to divers before they enter the water.
• contain photo processing chemicals for proper disposal.
• dispose of trash responsibly.
• uphold environmental regulations and game limits.
Originally printed in 1987 by Diving Equipment & Marketing Association