Security in closure (J3 jumper = not inserted J2,J1 jumpers = no effect)
In this operation’s mode the security device has effect only during the closure phase or in the
pause period. The intervention of the security device during the closure phase causes the
metal rolling shutter stop and the reversal of the motion after approx. 1,5 sec. The intervention
of the security device during the pause period causes the reset of the time and the automatic
closure is therefore delayed.
Security in closure and opening (J3 jumper = inserted J2,J1 jumpers = no effect)
The intervention of the security device during the metal rolling shutter’s motion (opening or
closure), or during the period preceding the operating cycle’s start, causes the metal rolling
shutter temporarily stop. This condition will continue until the security device is on. The blinker
will light with a fixed light to signal the irregular condition. When the obstacle is removed, an
opening cycle will start. This does not apply when a start command determines the closing
phase in step-by-step mode at the end of an opening cycle. The intervention of the security
device during the pause period causes the reset of the time and the automatic closure is
therefore delayed.
The operation logic setting (jumper
, the work time programming and the pause time
programming must be carried out only if the cycle is concluded or before it starts
(with closed metal rolling shutter).