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Installation Manual for DualSun PV Modules
First thank you very much for choosing DualSun PV modules!
This installation manual covers key electric and mechanical installation information, so please
understand such information before installing DualSun modules. In addition, this manual also
covers some safety information that you shall get familiar with. All contents in this manual are
intellectual properties of DualSun which originates from long term of technical exploration and
experience accumulation of DualSun.
This installation manual does not entail any explicit or implicit quality warranty and does not
stipulate on compensation schemes for losses, module damages or other costs caused by or
related to module installation, operation, utilization and maintenance process. If patent rights or
the third party rights are infringed by use of modules, DualSun will not take any responsibility.
DualSun reserves the rights for modifying product manual or installation manual without notice
in advance.
If customers fail to install modules as per requirements set forth in this manual, the quality
warranty provided for customers during sales will become invalid. In addition, suggestions in this
manual are to improve safety of module installation, which are tested and proved by practices.
Please provide this manual to PV system users for reference to and advise them of safety,
operation and maintenance requirements and suggestions.
Laws and regulations
Mechanical and electrical installation of PV modules shall follow proper regulations such as
electric law, building law and electric connecting requirements. These regulations differ with
different installation sites, such as building roofing installation, vehicle-mounted application.
Requirements may also differ with installation system voltage, DC or AC. See specific clauses in
local authorities.
General information
Module identification
Each module is pasted with 3 labels providing information below:
1. Nameplate: It describes product type, standard rated power, rated current, rated voltage, open
circuit voltage, short circuit current under testing conditions, certification indicator, maximum
system voltage, etc.
2. Current level label: Divide modules as per their optimal working current and there are values: