If the sound is audible, but the indicator is not moving at all, please check the microphone
connections and do not proceed until this issue has been solved and the indicator bar is moving
according to sound level.
Using a higher level for measurement can produce a more accurate room response, but too high
level could cause clipping of the signal in some part of the system. Therefore it is not
recommended to exceed the Good level.
Note that the level of the calibration can affect the automatic cross-over designer as it will also
measure the distortion characteristics of the speakers and subwoofers. It is recommended to use
a volume level that resembles the normal listening volume level.
After adjusting the level, press OK or click the wheel button to start calibration.
The calibration performs multiple measurements depending on the system configuration. This
will take several minutes. You can leave the room, but do not open or close doors or windows
during measurements.
After all measurements are finished, you are prompted to unplug the measurement microphone.
Remove the microphone and you are able to view the calibration results.
: When calibrating a system with subwoofers, set the built-in
lowpass filters of the subwoofers to bypass or to the highest available cutoff
: After Anti-Mode gets rid of room resonances, it may appear that
the result sounds good but is lacking in bass. One possible reason is that the
listener has grown used to the exaggerated bass response caused by room
If you feel that you need to increase the overall bass level, you can do this using
the Compensation Gain setting or using Bass tilt.
Advanced Calibration
In the advanced calibration mode you have control over all of the parameters.
When choosing a 2.2 system (whether speakers and subs or 0.2.2) you can set the cross-over
frequency between 20Hz and 1540Hz. You can also adjust the other parameters: Q value, filter
order, and also the amount of cross-over overlap.
Rev. 1.0
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