S e c t i o n 1 1 : P r o g r a m m a b l e O u t p u t s
6 7 8 9 10
15 16
a) the PGMs are enabled for all the same partitions
b) the partitions the PGMs are enabled for do not overlap.
If the
“Inv Cmd Out #X”
system toggle option is
enabled, the output will be inverted (i.e. the output will
normally be energized, and will de-energize when acti-
vated). (Ref # [000200]) By default, this option is only
enabled for Command Output #2.
If the
“Sen Rst Cmd#2”
partition toggle option is enabled,
the output programmed as Command Output 2 will reset
all smoke detectors connected to it when activated (Ref #
[0100XX01]). The keypad will display the Command Out-
put #2 label while the smoke detectors are resetting. If
there is no fire condition present, the smoke detectors will
return to normal operation after being reset.
: If you have programmed fire zones on a parti-
tion, you should also enable the “Sen Rst Cmd#2” par-
tition toggle option.
Command Output Labels
Ref #: [0100XX06YY] where XX = partition number (01-
08), YY = command output number (01-08)
Program command output labels in this section. All sys-
tem display labels are programmed in a similar fashion.
For instructions on programming labels, see Section 5.4
“Zone Programming.”
Police Output (46)
The output will activate when a Cross Zone/Police Code
Alarm reporting code is transmitted for any of the
selected partitions. It will remain active until a valid
access code is entered on any of the selected partition
Holdup (47)
The output will activate when a holdup zone on any of
the selected partitions is in alarm. It will remain active
until a valid access code is entered on any of the selected
partition keypads. A tamper or fault on a holdup zone
will not activate the output.
Fire Zone Tbl. (48)
The output will activate when a fire zone is bypassed, or
when a fire zone trouble or fault condition is detected.
The output will deactivate when the zone is unbypassed
or the trouble/fault is restored.
Steady Fire (49)
The output will turn on steady upon any alarm from a
Fire type zone with the Audible zone attribute enabled.
Temporal Pattern Fire (50)
The output will follow the standard temporal pattern
upon any alarm from a Fire type zone with the Audible
zone attribute enabled. The temporal pattern is 0.5s ON,
0.5s OFF two times and then 0.5s ON and 1.5s OFF. This
pattern is repeated until the signals are silenced.
: In addition to PC4020 v3.0, PC4204/4216 v2.1 is
required for this option.
CSFM Fire (51)
The output will follow the California State Fire Marshal
pattern upon an alarm from a Fire type zone with the
Audible zone attribute enabled. The CSFM pattern is 10s
ON and 5s OFF. This pattern is repeated until the signals
are silenced
Pulsed Fire (52)
The output will activate upon an alarm from a Fire type
zone with the Audible zone attribute enabled. The out-
put will pulse ON for 0.5s and OFF for 0.5s. The pulsing
will continue until the signals are silenced.
Fire Strobe (53)
The output will turn on steadily upon an alarm from a
Fire type zone with the Audible zone attribute enabled.
The output will not turn OFF upon signal silence but
only on a successful Fire Reset.
Ground Fault (54)
The output will activate when the PC4020 detects a
Ground Fault trouble. The output will deactivate when
the trouble is cleared.
Common Fire Tbl. (55)
The output activates when any of the following troubles
is detected by the panel. The output deactivates when
the trouble is cleared:
• Any system AC or battery trouble (PC4020, PC4820,
PC4204, PC4702)
• Any system communicator trouble (TLM1, TLM2,
• Ground Fault trouble
Bell Trouble (56)
The output will activate for a trouble (open or short) on
any supervised system bell output (PC4020 or PC4702).
The output will deactivate when the trouble is cleared.
AC Status (57)
The output will be active when AC is present on the
PC4020 as well as all enrolled modules (PC4204, PC4820,
PC4702). The output will deactivate when an AC Fail
trouble condition is generated. This output will follow
the “AC Fail Delay,” if programmed (see Section 10.9
“Transmission Delay”).
Partition Status Alarm Memory (58)
The output will activate when any of the selected parti-
tions are armed. It will deactivate when all selected parti-
tions are disarmed. If an alarm, tamper or fault occurs on
any of the assigned partitions, the output will flash for
the remainder of the armed period. If the partition is dis-
armed, the output will flash until the alarm is acknowl-
edged, or the bell time-out period expires.
11.3 Output Pulse Times
Ref #: [000706XX] where XX = pulse time type 00-03
This section will allow you to select the amount of time
the PGM output will remain active after being triggered.
Valid entries are from 000 to 255 seconds. The available
pulse times are listed below:
Kissoff Pulse (00)
Any output programmed for “Kissoff” can be active
from 000 to 255 seconds. The default setting is 003 sec-
Ground Start (01)
Any output programmed for “Ground Start” can be
active from 000 to 255 seconds. The default setting is 000
: The panel will wait until the end of the
Ground Start before dialing. This feature shall not be
used on UL listed systems.
Chime Pulse (02)
Any output programmed for “Chime Pulse” can be active
from 000 to 255 seconds. The default setting is 002 seconds.
Duress Pulse (03)
Any output programmed for “Duress Pulse” can be
active from 000 to 255 seconds. The default value is 005