Section 9: Entry and Exit Delay
Upon arming, the panel will begin the
Exit Delay
. If the “Exit Delay Aud” option is enabled, the keypad will beep every sec-
ond until the exit delay expires (see Section 9.2 “Entry and Exit Delay Options”). The keypad will beep rapidly for the last 10
seconds of the exit delay to warn the user that the system is about to arm.
Upon entry, if a Delay type zone is violated, the panel will begin an
Entry Delay
. The keypad will emit a steady tone. The key-
pad will pulse the sounder during the last 10 seconds of the entry delay to warn the user that the system is about to go into
9.1 Entry and Exit Delay Times
Ref #: [0100XX02] where XX = Partition 01-08
The entry and exit delay times are programmed for each
partition. These times will program the length of each
delay. Entry Delay, Exit Delay, Auxiliary Entry Delay and
Auxiliary Exit Delay. Three digits are required for each
entry. The times are programmable from 000 to 255 sec-
onds. The four partition times are as follows:
Entry Delay
- The entry delay will begin when a delay
type zone is violated (Default = 30 seconds).
Exit Delay
- The exit delay will begin when a valid
access code is entered to arm the partition (Default =
120 seconds).
Auxiliary Entry Delay
- This entry delay will begin
when an Auxiliary Delay zone is violated. This delay
time must be greater than the standard Entry Delay
(Default = 45 seconds).
Auxiliary Exit Delay
- This exit delay is for Auxiliary
Delay zones. This delay time must be greater than the
standard Exit Delay (Default = 120 seconds).
9.2 Entry and Exit Delay Options
Ref # [0100XX01] where XX = Partition 01-08
The following exit and entry delay options will deter-
mine how the delays will sound. These options are pro-
grammed by partition.
Exit Delay Aud
- If enabled, the keypad will beep dur-
ing the exit delay (once per second; twice per second
during the last 10 seconds of the delay). If disabled, the
keypad will be silent during the exit delay. (Default =
Exit Delay Sqk
- If enabled, the burg bell outputs will
activate during the exit delay (once per second; twice
per second during the last 10 seconds of the delay). If
disabled, the outputs will be silent during the exit
Entry Urgency
- If enabled, the keypad will beep three
times every second during the last 10 seconds of the
entry delay. (Default = No)
Entry Squawk
- If enabled, the burg bell outputs will
sound during the entry delay (once per second; twice
per second during the last 10 seconds of the delay). If
disabled, the outputs will be silent during the entry
delay. (Default = No)
Exit Del. Term.
- If enabled, the exit delay will reduce
to five seconds if a Standard Delay zone is opened and
closed during the delay period. The bell squawk and
keypad notification will cease upon the restoral of the
delay zone. At the end of the delay, the partition will
be armed. (Default = No)
The exit delay termination time will be
extended to eight seconds for systems with AML loops
(over 32 detectors).
Spcl Alm Entry
- If enabled, the panel will sound an
alternate entry delay if an alarm memory is present:
The keypad sounders will pulse to indicate an alarm in
memory. If disabled, the panel will sound the normal
entry delay, even if an alarm has occurred during the
armed period. (Default = Yes)
Exit Tbl Beep
- If enabled, when the system is armed
with any trouble present, the keypad will sound a
series of 12 beeps before the exit delay begins. If dis-
abled, there will be no warning beeps when arming to
indicate a trouble condition. (Default = No)