panel will send the reporting code to the third num-
Busy Tone Det.
: If enabled, when a busy tone is
detected for four seconds, the panel will hang-up and
wait for the amount of time programmed as the Busy
Tone Delay before attempting to redial. If disabled, the
panel will not search for busy tone when dialing the
telephone number. (Default = No)
1300 Hz ID
: If enabled, the panel emits a 1300Hz iden-
tification tone from the time it dials to the time it hears
the handshake from the receiver. If disabled, no identi-
fication tone is emitted. (Default = No)
This option should not be used with Pager 2,
Pager 3 or Contact ID formats. This feature should not
be used in North America.
Alternate Dial
: If enabled, the panel will alternate
between the first and second telephone numbers when
attempting to call the central station, regardless of the
dialer direction settings. If disabled, the panel will fol-
low the programmed backup dialing procedure.
(Default = No)
SIA 1 Account #
: See Section 12.6 “Communicator For-
mats – SIA FSK” for information.
Auto Report SIA
: See Section 12.6 “Communicator
Formats – SIA FSK” for information.
Test Tx in Min
: If enabled, the test transmission timer
will be in minutes. If disabled, it will be in days. See
Section 10.8 “Test Transmissions.” (Default = No)
Tx Delay in Min
: If enabled, the transmission delay
will be in minutes. If disabled, it will be in seconds. See
Section 10.9 “Transmission Delay.” (Default = No)
2nd Line Flash
: If enabled, the panel will use the stan-
dard dialing routing with the following addition. If the
panel doesn’t detect a dial tone during the first five
seconds, the panel will flash the line (hang up and pick
up again) for 90ms. The panel will then search for a
dial tone on the virtual line. (Default = No)
This option is for use in Sweden only. Do not
enable in North America. If this and the LINKS1000
are enabled, the LINKS dialing procedure will be
slightly different. The panel will backup to the LINKS
on the third attempt.
6 digit Acct
: If enabled, the system and partition
account numbers will be six digits for the SIA format.
If disabled, the account numbers will be four digits.
(Default = No)
12.5 Dialer Direction
Ref #: [000400XX02] where XX = telephone number 00-02
The Dialer Direction programming section determines
which reporting codes will be sent to which telephone
number. Three groups of reporting codes can be selected:
• alarms and restorals
• openings and closings
• all other miscellaneous codes
These groups can be programmed to communicate to
any or all telephone numbers.
By default, all reporting codes are sent to the first tele-
phone number only. The dialer direction options are tog-
gle options which are either enabled ([Y]es) or disabled
([N]o). Dialer options are programmed individually for
each telephone number.
The reporting codes in each group are indicated in
Appendix A “Reporting Codes.”
12.6 Communicator Formats
Ref #: [000400XX01] where XX = telephone number 00-02
Each telephone number must be assigned a format to
communicate with the central station. There are several
different communicator formats available. The default
format is 20 BPS 2300Hz Handshake.
20 BPS 1400/2300Hz Handshake Formats
20 Bits Per Second is the standard fast format used on
DCI, Franklin, Sescoa and Vertex receivers.
• Data = 1800 Hz
• Kissoff = 1400/2300 Hz
• Speed = 20 Baud
These formats will send an account code to identify
which customer is sending the alarm, and a reporting
code to identify the type of alarm. Depending on the
receiver, the account code must be either three or four
digits, and the reporting code must be either one or two
If the account code requires only three digits, program
the system ID code and each partition account code with
3 digits, followed by a [0]. If you wish to send a zero in
the account code, program it with a HEX A. For example,
to program account code 103 enter “1A30.”
If the reporting code needs to only be one digit, program
the second digit as a [0]. For example, to program a
reporting code as “3,” enter “30.” To send a zero, pro-
gram HEX A into the reporting code. For example, to
send reporting code “30,” program “3A.”
For instructions on programming HEX digits, see Section
3.4 “Programming hexadecimal Digits.”
Contact ID
Contact ID is a specialized format that will communicate
information using tones rather than pulses. This format
allows more information to be sent faster than other for-
mats. For example, in addition to reporting a Zone 1
alarm, the Contact ID format can also report the type of
alarm, such as an Entry/Exit alarm.
To program Contact ID, a 2-digit number from Appendix
A must be entered for every event to be transmitted. The
2-digit number determines the type of alarm. The panel
will automatically generate all other information, includ-
ing the zone number.
Additional Notes on Contact ID
1. Account Numbers must be four digits.
2. All reporting codes must be two digits.
3. Substitute the HEX digit “A” for the zero (0).
4. To prevent the panel from reporting an event, the
reporting code should be programmed as [00] or [FF].
Please refer to Appendix A “Reporting Codes” and
Appendix B “Zone Reporting Codes” for a list of sug-
gested Contact ID Identifiers for each event.
SIA is a specialized format that will communicate infor-
mation quickly using Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
rather than pulses. The SIA format will automatically