Section 6: Keypad Operation
6.1 Partition Keypads
A partition keypad is a keypad that is assigned to a parti-
tion. The partition keypad will primarily control the par-
tition to which it is assigned. However, a user will also be
able to control other partitions from the partition key-
pad, if their access code allows it.
When a user enters their code to disarm the partition at a
partition keypad, the partition to which the keypad is
assigned will disarm. The user will then have the option
to enter their code again to disarm the other partitions
enabled for their code.
Partition keypads can be programmed to operate accord-
ing to the following options. To program these toggle
options, enter reference number [0100XX01] where XX =
partition number. Press [
] to toggle each option ON or
OFF. The programming will affect all keypads assigned
to the selected partition.
Display Clock
- If enabled, the partition keypad(s) will
display the time and date when not in use. (Default =
Disp Exit Time
- If enabled, the partition keypad(s)
will display the exit delay time during the exit delay.
(Default = Yes)
System Alarms
- If enabled, the partition keypad(s)
will display “Partition X in Alarm” and will beep (five
seconds on; five seconds off) when any other partition
is in alarm. This notification will end when the alarm is
cleared or when any key is pressed on the partition
keypad. (Default = No)
System Status
- If enabled, the partition keypad(s) will
display the status (Ready, Not ready, Armed, alarm
memory!, Force armed) of all active partitions on the
system. If disabled, the partition keypads will not dis-
play partition status. This option overrides the clock
display option. (Default = No)
The operation and functionality of the Fire, Auxiliary
and Panic keys are also programmable for partition key-
pads. For more information regarding the FAP keys, see
Section 6.5 “Fire, Auxiliary and Panic Keys.”
6.2 Global Keypads
Unlike a partition keypad, a global keypad is not
assigned to a single partition. Rather, a global keypad
can be used to access all partitions on the system. Global
keypads should be placed in common or global areas of
the premises, such as points of entry/exit or reception
areas, where the ability to arm and disarm more than one
partition at a time is required.
When a user enters their code to disarm a partition at a
global keypad, the system will ask the user to select
which partitions they wish to disarm. The system will
only allow the user to disarm the partitions for which
their access code is enabled.
Global keypads can be programmed to operate accord-
ing to the following options. To program these toggle
options, enter reference number [000200]. Press [
] to
toggle each option ON or OFF. The programming will
affect all global keypads.
Global Clock
: If enabled, the time and date will be dis-
played on global keypads when they are not in use.
(Default = Yes)
Global Trouble
: If enabled, when a trouble condition
is present on the system, the trouble menu can be
viewed from global keypads. If disabled, global key-
pads will not list trouble conditions. (Default = Yes)
Global Alarms
: If enabled, the global keypads will
sound the buzzer and display the message “[Partition
label] In Alarm” when any partition is in alarm. The
keypad buzzer will be silenced and the message will
be cleared when the alarm has been restored or any
key is pressed on the keypad. If disabled, global key-
pads will not indicate alarms. (Default = No)
Globl Sys Stat
: If enabled, global keypads will display
the status (Ready, Not ready, Armed, alarm memory!,
Force armed) of all partitions on the system. If dis-
abled, global keypads will not display partition status.
This option overrides the clock display option.
(Default = No)
Global Entry
: If enabled, global keypads will sound an
entry delay for all partitions. If disabled, the entry
delay will only be annunciated if all partitions are
armed. (Default = No)
Kypd #1 Global
: If enabled, Keypad 1 will be a global
keypad. If disabled, it will operate as a Partition 1 key-
pad. (Default = No)
The operation and functionality of the Fire, Auxiliary
and Panic keys are also programmable for global key-
pads. For more information regarding the FAP keys, see
Section 6.5 “Fire, Auxiliary and Panic Keys.”
6.3 Keypad Time-out
Ref #: [00020302]
Both global and partition keypads can be “loaned” to
other partitions on the system. When a user selects
another partition, the keypad will display “Accessing
[Partition Label]” and will operate as a partition keypad
from the selected partition.
The amount of time that a loaned keypad will wait
before returning to its home partition (or, in the case of
global keypads, to its global mode) can be programmed.
The Keypad Time-out will begin after the last keypress is
made. To program the timer, enter reference number
[00020302]. Valid entries are from 020-255 seconds. Do
not program the Keypad Time-out for less than 020 sec-
onds. The default setting is 020 seconds.