When the option is disabled, the alarm memory will only
be displayed when the system is disarmed.
6.9 Zone Bypass Display
Ref #: [000200]
Enable the
Bypass Display
system toggle option, to
allow users to view bypassed zones while the system is
armed. Users can view bypassed zones by pressing the
[<][>] keys.
When the option is disabled, users will only be able to
view bypassed zones using [*][1] when the system is dis-
: Bypass Display must be disabled on UL listed
6.10 Function Key Programming
There are five function keys on each LCD4501 keypad
labeled Stay, Away, Chime, Reset and Exit. Each of these
keys is programmed by default to perform one of the
functions described below. A function is activated on
partition keypads by pressing and holding the appropri-
ate key for two seconds.
Function keys are also available on the LCD4500 keypad.
The same functions as above are represented by the
number keys [1] to [5]. Press and hold the corresponding
number key for two seconds to activate the function.
[1] “Stay” – Stay Arm
Pressing this key will arm the partition in the Stay mode,
meaning that all Stay/Away type zones will be automat-
ically bypassed. Delay type zones will provide entry and
exit delay.
The Quick Arm feature must be enabled in order for this
key to function as intended (see Instruction Manual, sec-
tion 3.1 “Quick Arm”). If disabled, the user must enter a
valid access code after the function key is pressed to arm
the partition.
[2] “Away” – Away Arm
Pressing this key will arm the partition in the Away
mode. All Stay/Away type zones and all other non-
bypassed zones will be active at the end of the exit delay.
Delay type zones will provide entry and exit delay.
The Quick Arm feature must be enabled in order for this
key to function as intended (see Instruction Manual, sec-
tion 3.1 “Quick Arm”). If disabled, the user must enter a
valid access code after the function key is pressed to arm
the partition.
[3] “Chime” – Door Chime On / Off
Pressing this key will toggle the Door Chime feature ON
or OFF. One solid beep means that the feature has been
disabled and three short beeps means that it has been
[4] “Reset” – Reset Smoke Detectors
Pressing this key will cause the panel to activate for five
seconds all PGM outputs programmed as Command
Output Option #2. The Sen. Rst Cmd #2 option must also
be enabled before this function key will work (see section
11.2 “Programmable Output Options”). Only detectors
assigned to the keypad’s partition will be reset. 2-wire
smoke detectors connected to a PC4701 module will also
be reset.
[5] “Exit” – Activate Quick Exit
Pressing this key will cause the panel to activate the
Quick Exit feature. This feature must be enabled in order
for the function key to operate (see PC4020 Instruction
Manual, Section 3.2 “Quick Exit”).
Function Key Options
Ref #: [0012XXYYZZ] where XX = keypad 01-16,
YY = function key 01-05 and ZZ = for option 00-26
Some function key options require an access code entry
before the system will execute the function. The follow-
ing is a list of all function key options:
Null Key (00)
The key will perform no function when pressed.
Stay Arm (01)
Same as described in “Stay” above.
Away Arm (02)
Same as described in “Away” above.
No-Entry Arm (03)
Once this function key is pressed the user must enter a
valid access code. The system will arm and remove the
entry delay from the system when the exit delay expires.
Chime On / Off (04)
Same as described in “Chime” above.
System Test (05)
This function key provides the user with a simple
method for testing the system.
Bypass Mode (06)
This function key provides the user with a simple
method for entering the Bypass Mode. If the
Requires Code
option is enabled for the partition, the
user must enter an access code before zone bypassing
can be performed (see section 7.4 “Access Code
Trouble Display (07)
This function key provides the user with a simple
method for entering the Trouble Display Mode.
Alarm Memory (08)
This function key provides the user with a simple
method for entering the Alarm Memory Display Mode.
User Programming (09)
This function key provides the user with a simple
method for programming access codes. Once this key is
pressed, the user must enter a valid master code before
the panel will allow programming to be performed (see
Instruction Manual, section 2 “Access Codes”).
User Functions (10)
This function key provides the user with a simple
method for programming user functions. Once this key
is pressed, the user must enter a valid access code before
the panel will allow user functions to be performed (see
Instruction Manual, section3 “System Administration”
for information on [*][6] functions).
Quick Exit (11)
Same as described in “Exit” above.
Arm Interior (12)
This function key provides the user with a simple
method for adding Stay/Away zones back into the sys-