[615] Status Request
Default (Status Request);
Send this command to request the status of the system. It may be followed by a par-
tition label or partition number and Access Code. If partition label is omitted, status of
all enabled partitions will be sent. If there is a trouble on the system, the system label
is sent, followed by the trouble label, then the partition status.
NOTE: Status Request response may require more than one SMS message,
depending on status of the system. There is a 10-second delay between transmission
of SMS messages.
[616] Alarm Memory Request
Default (Alarm Memory Request);
Send this command to the system to request the alarm memory from the system.
This command may be followed by a Partition Label or partition number, and Access
Code. If partition label is omitted, alarm memory of all partitions will be sent. Alarm
memory responses will include Partition label and Zone label. Up to 8 partitions may
be contained in 1 message.
NOTE: Alarm Memory Request response may require more than one SMS message,
depending on alarm memory of the unit. There is a 10-second delay between
transmission of SMS messages.
[617] Help
Default (Help);
When help is sent, the SMS response is a listing of all interactive commands that can
be sent to the module. Access Code is not required.
[619] Keypad Message
Default (Keypad Message);
The response format is: [Account Label] [Date and Time] [SMS Function] [Response]
[Message Text]. Fields are space delimited.When Keypad Message is sent, the SMS
response is the message displayed on the keypad. If the message is too long to dis-
play on the keypad, only the portion displayed is sent in the response.
NOTE: SMS Command and Control Response messages are up to 32 ASCII
characters (Maximum 160 characters per SMS message). The message language is
specified in Section [009]. SMS responses are sent to the phone that initiated the
[621] Function Successful
Default (Successful);
When an SMS Command and Control function is successfully performed by the
panel, the successful label is included in the response sent to the user, following the
command requested. (e.g., if “stay armed” command is completed by the panel,
SMS response is: “stay armed successful”).
[622] Function Unsuccessful
Default (Unsuccessful);
When an SMS Command and Control function is not successfully performed by the
panel, the command sent to the unit will be included in the response sent to the user,
followed by this label. (e.g., if “stay armed” command is not completed, SMS
response is: “stay armed unsuccessful”).