Ignis Operations Manual
Drone Amplified
and drop at a consistent spacing. However, Ignis can’t drop faster than 0.5 seconds per
sphere, or slower than 7 seconds per sphere.
Curve range:
This will make the drone follow a curved flight path. This is the distance from
the waypoint the drone should start turning at. If a segment of the waypoint mission is
too short to support a curve range of this size, then the curve range will be shrunk for
those waypoints. The drone will always stop at the first waypoint.
Vertical flight path to first waypoint:
The drone can either follow a straight-line path to
the first waypoint, or follow a “Safe” path. If set to “Safe”, the drone will ascend to the
waypoint’s altitude and then fly horizontally to the waypoint. If the drone is already
above the first waypoint, it will instead fly horizontally until it is directly above the
waypoint, and then descend to it.
Drone Heading:
Sets the yawing behavior of the drone when it reaches a waypoint. If set to
“Towards next waypoint”, the drone will turn to face the next waypoint whenever it
reaches a waypoint. On DJI Drones, you can select “Controlled by remote controller”, the
drone will turn to face the first waypoint upon starting the mission, but will not
automatically turn afterward. In either setting on DJI Drones, the yaw of the drone can
be manually adjusted by the remote controller whenever the drone is not automatically
yawing. On Px4 drones, attempting to manually yaw will stop the waypoint mission. You
have more options for which direction the drone faces.
Waypoint Mission Lost Link Procedure:
Sets the behavior of the drone when it loses the
remote controller’s signal during the waypoint mission. You can either have it end the
mission immediately and execute its lost link procedure, or continue the mission to
completion and then execute its lost link procedure if the connection is not regained.
Note that if you select the option to complete the mission, the drone will fly the path, but
Ignis will not drop anything until connection is regained.
Press the “Back” button again to return to the side view. Once you are satisfied with the
waypoint mission, press the “Start” button to upload the waypoint mission to the drone and
begin flying it.
Last Updated
Page 129
Apr 13, 2022