Exhaust Hose
Duct that is connected to the Dremel LC40 Laser Cutter unit to vent exhaust
outside or into a filtration unit or to outside ventilation.
Exhaust Shroud
A metal tubing connection that is screwed onto the rear of the Dremel LC40
Laser Cutter unit over the exhaust vent fan.
Exhaust Port
An opening on the rear of the laser unit that allows the vent fan to draw air
out of the workspace.
Software that is embedded on the computer hardware of the Dremel LC40
Laser Cutter and controls its operation. Updates to the firmware will be
provided by Dremel and applied to the Dremel LC40 Laser Cutter directly
over the internet.
Visible or invisible submicroscopic particulate matter produced and
discharged from incomplete combustion, chemical reaction and/or heating of
metals or metallic compound. Also refer to smoke.
Also called "dither", takes a black and white image and assigns different
densities of dots to visually create a number of different shades of gray. Darker
areas of the image will have more dots, while lighter areas will have less dots.
Hex Box™
A separate and interconnected part of the Dremel LC40 Laser Cutter system
that integrates the water circulation and air assist functions of the Dremel
LC40 Laser Cutter.
Honeycomb Plate
An aluminum tray that rests on the bed and supports the work piece as it is
cut and engraved.
A project that is sent to the laser for fabrication.
Laser Head
An assembly of components, including a mirror, lens, and cone, which the
laser passes through before making contact with the material.
LC40 Control
The laser control software that is provided on the machine and accessed by
a computer through the network connection.
Laser Tube
A glass tube located at the rear of the laser unit that generates the laser beam.
A glass lens in the Laser Head that focuses the beam of the laser for optimal
cutting and engraving.
The substance of which the work piece or work is composed.
Material Library
A listing of materials for which suggested laser settings are predefined in the
Dremel LC40 Control Software.
A set of mirrors that direct the laser beam of the laser from the tube to the
work piece.
A planned piece of work created in the Dremel LC40 Control Software which
can be sent to the Dremel LC40 Laser Cutter as a job.
Digital art composed of horizontal and vertical rows of pixels.
Function used to make a mark on the surface of the material when you want
to emphasize the outline of text or an object
The gaseous products that are produced during a combustible event made
visible by the presence of a suspension of particles.
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