Instructions for use
Polaris 600
Technical data
IEC 60601-2-41
Medical electrical equipment – Part 2-41:
Particular requirements for basic safety and
essential performance of surgical luminaires
and luminaires for diagnosis
IEC 60601-1-2
Medical electrical equipment – Part 1-2: Gen-
eral requirements for basic safety and essen-
tial performance - Collateral standard:
Electromagnetic compatibility - requirements
and tests
IEC 60364-7-710/VDE 0100-710
Low-voltage electrical installations - Part 710:
Requirements for special installations or
locations - Medical locations
European medical device classification for the
Polaris 600 light system
Class I
UMDNS code for the Polaris 600 light system
European medical device classification for the
Dräger Polaris disposable handle
Class Is
UMDNS code for the Dräger Polaris disposable
Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System
(nomenclature for medical devices)
Classifications (continued)