Instructions for use
Polaris 600
Intended use
Intended use of Polaris 600 light
Polaris product family
The Polaris 600 light system is classified as a
surgical light system in accordance with IEC
60601-2-41 and is intended to be used for the local
illumination of the operating field and examination
field on the patient in operating and treatment
The intended uses remain unchanged when the
Polaris 600 light is combined with a Polaris 100 or
200 light.
Ceiling-mounted versions
Single light
As a single light, the Polaris 600 light is intended to
be used as a surgical or examination light in
operating and treatment rooms for diagnostic and
treatment purposes which can be interrupted
without posing a hazard to the patient if the light
As a single light, the Polaris 600 light is classified
as a "small surgical light" in accordance with
Double or triple light combination
The combination of 2 or more Polaris 600 lights as
a surgical light system enables use in operating
and treatment rooms and meets the requirements
for a fail-safe surgical light system.
Intended use of the Dräger disposable handle
The Dräger disposable handle provides a sterile
cover for the associated inner handle of Polaris
systems. The Dräger disposable handle is
intended solely for single use.
Intended use of the MedView camera
The MedView camera is intended for recording the
operating field for the purpose of patient
documentation, teaching, and training.
In the Polaris 600 light system, the MedView
camera is used together with a medical display as
a video system. The MedView camera must only
be used in conjunction with the Polaris 600 light.
The recordings must only be used for non-
diagnostic purposes.