Ceiling and wall attachment
Dr. Mach
Lamps and Engineering
2.2.4 Ceiling attachments and room heights
Ceiling attachments
Featured examples (selection)
Single suspension tube with aluminium cast
flange and ceiling anchorage ring
Double standard axis with welded flange tube
and ceiling anchorage ring
Double light weighted central axis, can be
turned through 360°, with welded flange tube
and ceiling anchorage ring
Triple light weighted central axis with welded
flange tube, intermediate flange and ceiling
anchorage ring
H =
room height
Clearance upper edge floor – lower edge solid
h =
prescribed distance upper edge floor to lower
edge suspension tube as specified for the par-
ticular lamp
L =
length of suspension tube respectively entire
suspension device (ceiling anchorage ring + in-
termediate suspension tube)
Edition 06
11.03.2003 / Bak Page 11/48