• GPS uses radio waves from artificial earth satellites.
Therefore, error in location information may be larger than
300 m as it may not/poorly receive radio waves under
following conditions:
・ Among or under densely planted trees, high-rise buildings
and dense residential area
・ Inside or very close to a building
・ Underground, tunnel, subterranean area and under water
・ Near high-tension wire
・ In a vehicle or train
・ In bad weather (heavy rain and snow)
・ In a bag or box
・ Surrounded by objects (including people)
Opening Google Maps
Using Google Maps, you can locate your current position,
and search for places or routes to destinations.
• To use Google Maps, the mobile phone must be connected to
a Wi-Fi network or LTE/3G/GPRS network to enable data
• Enable Wi-Fi & mobile network location and GPS function in
the Location access settings (
[Google Settings] application, under [Location], set [Access
location] to ON.
• Google Maps does not cover all countries and regions.
Home screen
A map is displayed.
• If [Improve location accuracy] is displayed, tap
[Location access], and enable Wi-
Fi & mobile network location and GPS function.
Then, tap
, and set [Let Google apps
access your location] to ON.
Enter a keyword in the search box, and
red circles or a balloon will appear on the map.
Tap a red circle to show a balloon. Tap a balloon
to show detailed information and options.
• Tap to display the map centered on your