• This mobile phone supports "Emergency Location Report".
When you make an emergency call such as at 110/119/118,
information about the place where you are dialing from
(location information) is automatically notified to emergency-
response agencies such as police stations. It might happen
that your correct location is not detected by emergency-
response agencies depending on the location you dial from or
radio wave conditions.
When you do not notify your phone number such as by
adding "184" for each call, your location information and
phone number are not notified. However, when an
emergency-response agency has judged that the location
information and phone number should be detected because
of emergency priority such as for protection of human life, it
might get location information and phone number regardless
of your setting.
Areas and timing to introduce "Emergency Location Report"
vary depending on the preparation of respective emergency-
response agencies.
• When you make a call at 110/119/118 from this mobile
phone, tell an operator that you are calling from a mobile
phone, as well as your phone number and exact location, so
that police/fire station can make a confirmation call to you.
In addition, stay at the current location while talking
preventing the call from being disconnected. Do not turn off
the power immediately, and make sure to place your phone
standby for at least ten minutes after the call.
• You might not be connected to regional police/fire station
depending on the area where you are calling from.
• When the function to reject incoming calls from unregistered
numbers is set to ON, if you make an emergency call, the
function is set to OFF.
Selecting Whether to Notify or Withhold
Caller ID for Each Call
• Caller ID is your important information. Be careful about
notifying it.
Home screen
Enter the other party's phone number