This function enables you to take advantage of "Osaifu-
Keitai compatible services" which can be used as payments
or coupons just by holding this mobile phone over a
scanning device in a store or other place or of "Kazashite-
Link compatible services" which can access information
obtained by holding the phone up to home electrical
appliances or smart posters, etc.
The function also makes it possible to save the value of e-
money or points on an IC card or on a docomo mini UIM
Another feature is the ability to check e-money deposits
and balances as well as points using a network. Also, you
can lock the Osaifu-Keitai function for security in case you
lose the mobile phone.
For details on Osaifu-Keitai, refer to "ご利用ガイドブック (sp
モード編) (Mobile Phone User's Guide [sp-mode])" (in
Japanese only).
* To use the Osaifu-Keitai compatible service, you need to
make settings on the relevant website or by using the
relevant application.
• Trouble occurring in this mobile phone has the potential to
cause the data
stored on the IC card or the data
on the docomo mini UIM card to be lost or changed. (You
cannot deposit your mobile phone at our hand for repair,
remaining data files on it. You are asked, as a rule, to delete
them by yourself.) For support such as reissue, restoration,
temporal storage, and transfer of data, with the exception of
transfers through the iC transfer service, consult the provider
of your Osaifu-Keitai compatible service. For your important
data, be sure to use Osaifu-Keitai compatible service with
backup support.
• In any case including malfunction or model change, we
cannot be held responsible for the loss or deformation of
data on the IC card and docomo mini UIM card or other
losses caused regarding Osaifu-Keitai compatible services.
• When your mobile phone is stolen or lost, immediately
inquire of the provider of your Osaifu-Keitai compatible
service about the countermeasures.
• Data cannot be sent using iC communication when the
battery is charging.