DNP Imagingcomm America Corporation
IDW500 Console
IDW500 User Guide
IDW500 Console
Use the image below to identify all of the necessary ports on the IDW500 console.
IDW500 Software Applications
While some software applications, or apps, will be used daily, other apps should only be used under the direction of DNP
Imagingcomm America Corporation Technical Support.
The IDW500 system is comprised of the following software applications:
Applications for normal, daily use:
ID Photo
: Used to view images and make prints.
: Monitor your IDW500 system as a whole. You can view and reprint up to the last six (6) printed images,
view information about your printer, and keep your system running smoothly.
While the following applications are running on your system, it is not recommended that you use these
applications unless you are instructed to do so by technical support. Changing settings in any of these
applications can cause system errors and failures.
Applications for troubleshooting or system maintenance.
IDW500 Maintenance
: Used in conjunction with DNP Imagingcomm America Corporation Technical Support to
troubleshoot issues with the system Also used to reboot or power OFF your IDW500 system.
IDW500 Configuration
: Make configuration changes to the IDW500 software such as turning the sounds off, or
adjusting other inputs.