after the calibration.
Quit without Saving:
If users don’t want to save the new data, shift the
autopilot/manual switch once. Then it will abandon the calibration data
and quit from the compass calibration mode (the green LED will be off).
Reboot the system
【Inspection after the calibration】:
Under the normal work mode, rotate the
helicopter ten times clockwise, 90°for each time, and notice the white LED
on or off. Stay 5 seconds between two operations at least。
Calibration Succeed:After the all rotations, the times of rotations with
the white LED no-flash reach 8 in 10 at least。
Calibration Failure:After the all rotations, the times of rotations indicator
flash more than 2 in 10. Then users need to do compass calibration once
Pay attention that there should not be any magnetic or iron materials near
by, such as magnet, automobile, steel bar under ground and so on.
Ensure the slow rotation during the calibration, and keep the white LED
constantly on。
Maintaining the helicopter horizon and rotating it 3-4 circles is that to
guarantee the system can get data for any angle in 360°.
Recalibration in the following situations:
Any modification of the helicopter, such as the installation of new
electronic equipment, replacement of gyro, the change of Main
Controller installation position, changes of other mechanical structure
and the change of battery installation position.
In the flight process, the deviation of flying direction is too big.
The helicopter turns backward frequently and the orange indicator
starts to glitter (but it is normal occasionally).
DJI-XP3.1 is not suitable to work in Antarctic Circle or Arctic Circle, because
the magnetic heading system will be invalidation or near to it.
4.4 Flight Test under Autopilot Mode
The helicopter can fly normally after all adjustment under manual mode. The
following steps will help users make parameter tuning in autopilot mode to complete
helicopter’s autopilot flight.