Dinel, s.r.o. CLM–36
3 . Variants of sensors
CLM–36_–10 With uncoated rod electrode
for level measurement of non-conductive
liquids (oils, diesel, petrol) and powder or bulk-solid materials (flour, sand,
cement, plastic granulates, etc.).
Electrode length from 0.2 m to 5 m (for materials with a low permittivity
εr <10, the minimum electrode length is 0.5m).
CLM–36_–11 With fully (PFA) coated rod electrode
suitable for surface level measurement
of water and other electrically conductive liquids. Also suitable for polluted
liquids in metallic storage tanks, concrete sumps, etc.
Electrode length from 0.2 m to 3 m.
CLM–36_–12 With fully (FEP) coated rod electrode
suitable for surface level measurement
of water and other electrically conductive liquids. Also suitable for polluted
liquids in metallic storage tanks, concrete sumps, etc.
Electrode length from 0.2 m to 3 m.
CLM–36_–20 With uncoated rod electrode and reference tube
for accurate level meas-
urement of clean non-conductive liquids (oils, diesel, petrol).
Electrode length from 0.2 m to 3 m.
CLM–36_–22 With fully FEP coated rod electrode and reference tube
for surface level
measurement of electrically conductive liquids, (e.g. in plastic or glass storage
tanks) and where greater measurement accuracy is required. Electrode
insulation from FEP material.
Electrode length from 0.2 m to 3 m.
CLM–36_–30 With uncoated stainless steel rope electrode and uncoated weight
level measurement of bulk-solid materials (grains, sand, flour, cement, etc.)
Shortened cable option.
Electrode length from 1 m to 20 m.
CLM–36_–31 With uncoated stainless steel rope electrode and coated dynamic
anchorage for level measurement of bulk-solid materials in higher silos.
Electrode length from 1 m to 20 m.
CLM–36_–32 With fully coated rope electrode and coated weight
(rope insulation FEP,
weight insulation PTFE), for level measurement of electrically conductive and
non-conductive liquids.
Electrode length from 1 m to 20 m.