DL9120 / DL9130
Operating Instructions
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The 2 wire mode is disabled for Non Trip Loop Impedance
Rotate the rotary switch until Zs Non Trip is selected. Functions keys F1-
F4 have are used to select the options below:
L-PE loop/
L-N loop
Z Max
Not used
Z Auto Start
Note: When the Zs Non Trip switch position is selected, the
DL9130EV will default to the last used setting, even if it has
been switched off.
L-PE / L-N (F1)
F1 can be used to toggle between the L-PE and L-N measurements after
the test has been completed.
Z Max (F2, DL9130EV only)
When enabled, the DL9130EV will record the highest Loop or Line
Impedance measurement taken. This will be displayed in the secondary
display. When switching between the L-PE and L-N functions the relevant
Z Max measurement will be displayed.
When this function is disabled or the instrument is turned off, the
maximum recorded value is reset.
Auto Start (F4)
When Auto start is activated the Z Auto icon is shown on the display. Loop
measurements will automatically start approximately 3s after the DL9120
/ DL9130EV is connected to the correct mains supply via a mains plug or
the test probes. The Z Auto Start function remains enabled if the switch
position is changed or the DL9120 / DL9130EV is powered off. To disable
the Z Auto Start function press F4.
Note: If the mains supply is removed within the Auto start
countdown period the test will not start.
Note: If the mains power is removed during the loop measurement,
the test will terminate and the display will show “RCD” to
indicate that power has been removed.