Existing users
Select an existing user for modification. Once a user has been
selected, click the lookup button to see the user information.
New User name
The new user name for the selected account.
The password for the login name. It must be at least three characters long.
Confirm password
Confirmation of the password above.
Email address
This is optional.
Mobile number
This information may be optionally provided.
Each user can be a member of a group (named a “role” ) – their kinds
can be shose from: super, administrator, or an regular user.
To create an user press the button
. The
button changes
the displayed user settings. To delete an user press the button
: The IP-KVM is equipped with an host-independent processor and
memory unit which
both have a limitation in terms of the processing
instructions and memory space. To guarantee an acceptable
response time we recommend not to exceed the number of 15
users connected to the IP-KVM at the same time. The memory
space that is available onto the IP-KVM mainly depends on the
configuration and the usage of the IP-KVM (log file entries etc.).
That’s why we recommend not to store more than 63 user profiles.
11.4 KVM Settings