When connecting to the IPK-KVM unit, the IPK-KVM system (web server,
Telnet server or SSH server) will prompt user to enter the user name
and password in order to access to the system. If this is the first time
logging in, log in with the factory default username and password, you
will be prompted to change the default password
Please make sure to change the super user password immediatelly
after you have installed and accessed your IP-KVM for the first time.
Unchanging of the password for the super user is a severe secrurity
risk and might result in unauthorized access to the IP-KVM and to the
host system including all possible consequences!
Your web browser hast o accept cookies, or else login is not possible.
Having logged into the IP-KVM successfully, the main page of the IP-KVM
appears. This page consists of three parts; each of them contains specific
information. The buttons on the upper side allow you to navigate within the
front end. Within the right frame, task-specific information is displayed that
depends on the section you have chosen before.