Digital Cam Switch Unit
Automationsanlagen GmbH
CamCon DC16 Controlling the measuring system
The option "Vmax" of the menu enables entering the tolerated steps per cycle of the actual value..
This enables controlling a measure-system.
The required value is calculated of the CamCon's actual cycle-time, the measuring system's physical
resolution und the device's Speed.
The resolution needs to be a physical measure, e.g. if for a measuring system 4096
Impulses are calculated to 3600 by a (3600/4096)gear, the resolution must be set to 4096.
Example: Cycle time = 0.5ms / resolution = 360 / speed of machine = 180 min -1.
Value =
resolution * plant speed
60 * 1000
* Cycle time + margin
360 * 180
60 * 1000
* 0.5 + 5 = 5.54
The result is rounded and filled in "
If the CamCon detects a step of more than 6 impulses at the actual value an error report
If a zero is filled in here, the controll is deactivated, and a maximum of 9999 is possible.
Version: Aug. 04
Page: 45