The Valve FX offers a studio-grade sampler Module. It uses a 40 kHz
sample rate for great sound quality. Sample recording and playback
can be triggered from the external Valve FX switching device, or via
MIDI (through continuous controller linkages). Sampling can also be
triggered upon detection of a sound source. Parameters of Sampler
Modules are as follows:
Sampler On / Off ...........Turns the Module on or off.
Smpl Plybck Levl...........Determines the overall level of the sample
when played back. Varies from 0 to 100.
Smpl Looping ................This Parameter has two settings: MANUAL
and AUTO. When this Parameter is set to
MANUAL: the sample must be triggered either
manually or using an audio trigger. When the
sample is finished playing, it resets and waits
for another manual trigger. When this
Parameter is set to AUTO, the sample begins
playing. When the sample is finished playing,
it is automatically retriggered from the begin-
ning of the sample, and continues retriggering
until the Parameter is switched back to MAN-
Smpl Record/Play .........When set to RECORD, the sampler will record
a new sample into memory when triggered.
When set to PLAYBACK, the sample in memo-
ry will be played back when triggered.
Manual Trigger ..............This Parameter allows manual playback trig-
gering of the sample in memory. To trigger
the sample, simply press the <UP> Cursor
key on this screen. To trigger the Sampler
using MIDI, link this Parameter to a MIDI CC
number (see Continuous Controller Links, pg.
Smpl Triggr Mode .........Determines whether audio triggering or manu-
al triggering is active. There are two audio
triggering options and one manual triggering
option. They behave as follows: when set to
MANUAL TRIG, samples and sampling are
triggered using manual methods (footswitch,
front panel, etc.). When set to AUDIO TRG
ONCE, the sample is triggered once using an
audio source of a set level (determined by the
setting of INPUT TRIG LEVEL), following which
this Parameter is automatically reset to MANU-
AL. When set to AUDIO RE-TRIG, the sample
is retriggered any time a signal over the level
setting of SAMPLE TRIG LEVEL is detected.
Section 4 - Effects and Parameters
Valve FX Owner’s Manual