4. Connect the other end of the cable to one of the following devices.
• An H4000 transceiver on a traditional baseband Ethernet cable
• A DELNI interconnect, which can be connected to a baseband
Ethernet cable and which connects up to eight systems in a local
area network
Contact your network manager or Digital service representative if
you have questions about network configurations.
8 Connect an Expander, If Required
If you are not installing an expander with your system, skip to step 9.
If you are installing an expander with your system:
1. Install the expander as described in the document (addendum or
manual) shipped with the expander.
2. Return to this manual to connect the expander cable(s) to one or more
of the system connections shown in Figure 30 and described in the
following sections.
VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430) Installation