9FX Vision 330 (PCI) Graphics Option 2–3
13. When the system reboots, the graphics driver is loaded and the Vision
330 graphics option comes up in the 640 x 480 default mode.
Changing Windows NT Display Characteristics
The resolutions supported by Windows NT are as follows:
Display Frequency
640 x 480
16, 256, 65,536
60, 72
800 x 600
16, 256, 65,536
60, 72
1024 x 768
16, 256, 65,536
60, 70, 72
1280 x 1024*
16, 256, 65,536
60, 70
To change the display resolution and refresh rate from the Windows NT
Control Panel, perform the following steps:
1. Double click on the Display icon in the Control Panel dialog box and
go through the following process:
List modes
Select a mode
The testing operation confirms that the monitor properly synchronizes
in the selected mode. If the monitor synchronizes, but the display
appears geometrically distorted, you must adjust the monitor geometry
controls after rebooting.
2. If the test bitmap was properly displayed, continue to respond
affirmatively to the dialog boxes, and when prompted, click on the
Restart now button to reboot.
3. When rebooted, the new display characteristics are loaded and the
Vision 330 graphics option comes up in the new display mode.
Custom Windows NT Installation
If the previously installed graphics option is not available or it is not
operational, you must reinstall Windows NT.
Available only for the 2 MB version of the graphics option.