Digicom SpA
The local modem, the telephone line and the line circuits of the
modem will be checked in this way.
Disabling Remote Loop 2
To bring the test to an end, key in the ESCAPE sequence and then
AT&T0; key in ATO to put it back on line with the remote modem
or else press the TEST push-button on the front of the modem.
Representation of the Remote Loop 2
Enabling Loop 3
To enable Loop 3, the modem must be OFF LINE, then key in the
command “AT&T1” or press the TEST push-button on the front
of the modem, after a few seconds the modem will answer with
the message:
The loop complies with the CCITT specifications and as laid
down it is only available in V.22 and V.22bis.
The interface circuits, the modulator and the demodulator and
some of the line circuits are tested with this loop.
From the same terminal, used to send the commands, you can
carry out a summary test on the operation of the modem, by