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If the cable length of 25ft. is insufficient for the installation, additional cable can be
added to the existing cable. If this is done, an accuracy-derating factor must be added to
the overall temperature accuracy of this sensor. For every 100ft. of cable added, a
derating factor of -0.125C must be taken into account.
To enter the enclosure with a cable, the lid must first be removed. Remove the four
Philips head screws from the back of the enclosure. Once the lid is removed, the circuit
board is exposed. The inside of the enclosure will appear as below.
When replacing the cover, make sure that all installed cables are pinched by the black
foam on the bottom of the enclosure. This will enable a weather tight seal.
Connecting External PV Sensor
The PV sensors are not polarity sensitive. Therefore, each signal wire is interchangeable.
The sensor comes with a 25ft length of cable.
PV Temperature Terminals
PV Temp #1: