DEVIlink™ CC
Installation Guide
• No metal objects between the DEVIlink™ CC and other
wireless DEVI units.
• The DEVIlink™ CC is installed as central as possible on the
floor plan (max. 30 m between devices in free space).
• Wireless signal through walls on shortest possible
diagonal distance.
RS Sensor
(room device)
DEVIlink™ HC
(service device)
DEVIlink™ CC
living connect
(room device)
living connect
(room device)
Incorrect installation plan
• Metal objects between the DEVIlink™ CC and other
wireless DEVI units.
• Decentral installation of the DEVIlink™ CC.
• Crossing walls diagonally.
RS Sensor
(room device)
DEVIlink™ HC
(service device)
DEVIlink™ CC
living connect
(room device)
living connect
(room device)