DEVIlink™ CC
Installation Guide
To replace a device, while retaining all settings for that
device, use the function [Replace any device] and follow the
instructions given on the screen.
By using this function, all settings for that particular device,
are transferred to the new unit.
Factory reset of DEVIlink™ CC
All assigned rooms and all added devices will be
removed from the system! It is recommended to
remove all devices individually before resetting to
factory default or replacing the DEVIlink™ CC.
Remove the front cover and press and hold the reset button
on the right side of the DEVIlink™ CC, until the control-
ler gives a clear beep. All rooms are now deleted and the
DEVIlink™ CC is reset to factory settings.
Wi-Fi and App connection
Connect to Wi-Fi
After finishing a successful network test, the DEVIlink™ CC is
ready to be connected to a Wi-Fi network.