DEVIlink™ CC
Installation Guide
Guidelines for installation
The signal strength is sufficient for most applications,
however, wireless signals are weakened on the way from
the DEVIlink™ CC to the room devices and every building
has different obstacles.
Ensure the best performance by keeping the following in
mind for planning and installation:
• Max. 30 m between devices in free space.
• Receiving devices should be placed on opposite or
next wall as the transmitter, if possible.
• All metal objects in the building construction can
weaken wireless signals.
• Reinforced concrete walls and floors weaken the
signal strength significantly, but almost any types
of construction materials reduce the signal to some
• Corners that are a result of the building design, can
weaken the wireless signals, due to either long dis-
tances or inadequate reflecting opportunities.
These are guidelines only as many factors have influ-
ence on wireless communication.